Chartools - String character visualizer and extractor
posted: December 23, 2023
A tool to view the index of characters in a string and extract substrings via a point and click interface.

Here's the link the tool: chartool...
A tool to view the index of characters in a string and extract substrings via a point and click interface.
Here's the link the tool: chartool...
Learn how to use python in an interactive online Google colab notebook to generate volcano plots to analyze your data sets.
In their most basic form, experiments will generally involve comparing two conditions: a control condition vs an experimental condition where a treatment or perturbation has been applied to the system of interest. The effect of this treatment can then be read out in numerous different ways depending on what you’re interested in understanding about your system. Sometimes this can be accomplished by looking at a small number of factors such as the expression changes in a single protein or changes ...
The fast and easy way to format strings without typing a single line of code.
Here's a link to the tool itself: stringZ...
Easily and quickly predict the peptides produced by proteolytic digestion of proteins for mass spectrometry proteomics.
First things first here is a link the tool itself: mzCutCut...
Learn how the powerful technique of recursion can simply and elegantly generate all possible sequences of a desired length.
Modern DNA synthesis techniques allow for the construction of vast libraries of different DNA sequences that can be used in many high throughput applications. As an example, say you just found that a particular transcription factor binds to a promoter with a defined sequence that is 8 nucleotides long. The natural binding affinity of the factor for the sequence is good, but it’s possible that it could be even better. How could we find the optimal binding sequence for this protein? Ideally, a rat...
Become the ultimate excel data wrangler and learn how to take datasets and easily convert them into publication worthy heatmaps.
With the increased usage of large-scale omics technologies such as RNAseq to generate data, it has become popular to represent results using heatmaps where numerical values are transformed into colors. This type of representation can be created in many ways, including programmatically, but in many cases the fastest and easiest way to do so is using good old excel....
Wonder why so many lab solutions described as 10X, 25X, etc? What does it mean?
If you’re new to a lab environment, you may quickly notice that certain solutions aren’t described in terms of the absolute concentrations of their components. Rather, they might have something like 50X, 10X, 2X, etc written on them. What does that mean and why do people do it?...
Flow cytometry is a powerful technique to measure the properties of single cells and sort them into classes.
First developed in the 1960s and 1970s, flow cytometry is a technique that utilizes a specialized fluid system to continuously pull individual cells into a narrow fluid stream from a much larger solution containing thousands or millions of cells. This fluid-based separation allows one to measure various properties of individual cells which is useful to tease out different cell types within the same single sample. It should be noted that while flow cytometry is most commonly used to study cells, ...
A tool designed to speed up and simplify gel quantification workflows.
The tool: band-it...
A tool to help you quickly calculate the composition of a digestion reaction and the subsequent gibson assembly reaction to insert a fragment into a single cut site on a plasmid backbone.
the tool: Gibson Fragment Insert Calculator...