
String expressions cheatsheet

Use any of the expressions below in the input or any text field of a transform. Use n*{expression} to repeat the expression n times. Example: 5*{dna} = ACTGT
random rgb color: {color}
random hex color: {colorhex}
random integer: {rand}
random number: {rand min:max}
random animal: {animal}
random alphanumeric: {randan}
random letter: {randa}
random country: {rcountry}
random first name: {fname}
random last name: {lname}
random date: {rdate}
random DNA nucleotide: {dna}
random RNA nucleotide: {rna}
random amino acid: {aa}
todays date: {date}
string index: {index}
integer range: {start:increment:end}
letter range: {start_letter:end_letter}